How to Start Making the Changes You Want
In this video blog, we’ll be discussing How to Start Making the Changes You Want. We explore practical steps to help you kickstart your journey towards the changes you desire.
7 Methods for Getting Around Perfectionism
Some people mistakenly believe that perfectionism is a healthy motivator, but that’s not the case. Perfectionism can make you feel unhappy with your life.
Treatment Method: EMDR
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a method that has garnered attention and respect for its unique and often profound effects in treating trauma-related disorders.
3 Effective Tips for Managing Existential Anxiety
Existential anxiety is the term used to describe a chronic state of discomfort and fear related to thinking about existence, the self, and the purpose of your life.
What Emotional Neglect in a Relationship Looks Like
Emotional neglect in a relationship or marriage is when a partner or spouse consistently fails to notice, attend to, and respond in a timely manner to a partner or spouse’s feelings. Emotional neglect is not something that happens, but something that fails to happen.
Could Couples Therapy Make a Relationship Worse?
We have all seen it happen in shows and movies. The arguing (*gasp* doomed) couple goes to a couples therapist as a last resort, and before you know it, the couple is storming out, dismissing the therapist and either calling it quits or completely ignoring the red flags or concerns pointed out by the therapist in the hopes of helping.
Is There a Place For Spirituality in Therapy?
Many studies exist that conclude that when spirituality is nurtured people live longer, heal faster, decrease stress, improve emotional regulation, and self-report higher levels of satisfaction in their lives.
The Modern Midlife Crisis
Men and women can both experience a midlife crisis, but it may look different for each. A midlife crisis is a stressful time of emotional turmoil when people experience feelings of deep dissatisfaction and unhappiness with their lives.
Treatment Methods: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on examining the relationships between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. In this article, we'll take a deeper look at CBT, how it can be used to help people with their mental health, and whether or not it might be right for you.
Treatments We Offer: Emotionally Focused Therapy
Emotionally focused therapy is a type of counseling that deals with emotions. It helps people identify and work through their feelings, which can be beneficial for those in relationships.
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