3 Effective Tips for Managing Existential Anxiety
Existential anxiety is the term used to describe a chronic state of discomfort and fear related to thinking about existence, the self, and the purpose of your life.
Could Couples Therapy Make a Relationship Worse?
We have all seen it happen in shows and movies. The arguing (*gasp* doomed) couple goes to a couples therapist as a last resort, and before you know it, the couple is storming out, dismissing the therapist and either calling it quits or completely ignoring the red flags or concerns pointed out by the therapist in the hopes of helping.
Rekindling Intimacy and Passion in your Relationship
No matter how many times I have seen it, no matter how many different ways Hollywood re-vamps the same old meet-cute, I am all for watching couples fall in love… and I know I am not the only one.
Celebrate More Than Love This Valentine's Day
When we preoccupy ourselves with romantic love, we neglect the opportunity to see that love comes in various forms and is more stable and readily available to us. Maybe we can expand our view of February 14th to be more inclusive; perhaps we can use Valentine's Day to celebrate love in all forms.
Black History Month and Culturally Sensitive Therapy
February marks the celebration of Black History Month, and it seems only right to bring awareness to the importance of cultural competency and sensitivity in the mental health field.
What Not To Say To a Grieving Friend
Oftentimes, when confronted with another’s pain, we have difficulty in choosing what to say to make them feel better. Here are three rules of thumb to guide you in your efforts of being a more helpful listening ear to your loved one during their grieving process.
Four Foundations for Building Your Self-Esteem
While you are anxiously awaiting for your first appointment with your new therapist, here are four tips you can start implementing today to increase your self-esteem.
4 Essentials to Staying in Love
Falling in love is easy, but staying in love, that is a different story. It takes intentionality to stay in love.
4 Ways to Nurture Your Relationship During the Holiday Season
Don’t let the holiday stress get in the way of you and your significant other. Put to practice these 4 ways to nurture your relationship during the holiday season and watch your relationship flourish.
Meet Aimee Moore, MS, APCC
Meet Aimee Moore, MS, APCC. Aimee is the newest Associate Professional Clinical Counselor to join our team.
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