Perfectionism vs Authenticity

Tik Tok dance challenges, the Kardashians tv show, Instagram likes and the Lego movie theme song. What do these have in common? Each are examples of today's popular pop culture which can be positive or negative influences on a person's mental health.

In today's social media influenced world, one's daily lives and therefore their mental health are impacted by what looks like instagram perfect photo's of happy couples, well-behaved children and the beautiful and rich. Over time, it’s easy for a person to negatively compare their imperfect lives as less than and not enough to these perfect images. These consistent negative thought patterns and unrealistic expectations are often internalized and can contribute to dissatisfaction with themselves and others, feeling isolated, depressed and anxious.

Do you remember the Lego Movie 2: The Second Part with the theme song of "everything's not awesome" as compared to the first movie's "everything is awesome" theme song. The first movies internalized message is one of perfectionism, or toxic positivity, where everything in life will be perfect and awesome. I never did like that message - even if it was a catchy tune - because it's not realistic and authentic.

In comparison the message internalized from the second movie is one of authenticity where everything can not be awesome, all the time, because those are unrealistic expectations. "Bible" (truth) as the Kardashian sisters would say.

So how do you know if your mental health is being negatively impacted by social media consumption? Ask yourself this question:

Is this photo or message real-life authentic or too perfect, and how does it make me feel?

After viewing the Instagram post, or watching the episode of your latest Netflix binge watch, ask yourself if it's a real-life image or is it too perfect with unrealistic expectations? Do you feel encouraged to accept yourself as you are or are you left wanting, jealous, comparing yourself and feeling less than leading to feeling sad and depressed? If you feel encouraged and motivated to accept yourself in your beautiful imperfections, then it most likely is something that is positively affecting you. However, if the overall message is one that leaves you feeling sad, less than, jealous, etc. then chances are it's not adding to your overall positive mental health and emotional well-being and hitting the unsubscribe button might be a healthy decision for your mental health.

Remember: Everything is not always awesome. Try unsubscribing to the perfect and subscribe to the down-to-earth, imperfect, and authentic sites and shows. Those leave you with realistic expectations.

Roubicek & Thacker Counseling is Fresno’s premier provider of individual, couples, family, and group therapy. We offer in-person and online remote therapy sessions. Contact us today to change the way you feel.


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