Looking Within: The Power of Self-Reflection and Evaluation

person holding heart-shaped leaf up to heart space on chest

Turning inwards can feel like a scary thing. We may recognize and realize we want to perform better at our job or understand why relationships don't seem to workout, etc. The areas of our lives that feel more sensitive or when we are in a rut can be seen as a signal for us to take a moment in time to check in with ourselves. Our lives are filled with busy schedules and we may create routines or habits that create a shift in our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. These shifts can be positive and we can see a great improvement in our abilities all around, but there can be times where we see a negative or unwanted outcome that puts a weight on us. 

The moments that we can sit back and reflect on how we show up in our lives can begin to tell us a lot about ourselves and help us gain insight into who we are and where we want to go. When you think about your life and how you imagine it, you may see success, family, relationships, fun, adventure, etc. The way to create these future areas of life is to look at the present moment of how you are showing up now and see if it is aligning with who you want to be. Reflection or self-evaluation can take form in a few different ways. Let's take a look at how you can start to self-reflect.

1. Taking inventory of your current relationships with others and what role you play

This means taking a look at how you feel about the relationships you currently have and becoming aware of how they serve you. Having an understanding of how your relationships are working and not working gives you a chance to reflect on what you want and need in relationships. 

2. Becoming aware of your mental and emotional space and abilities

This means checking in with how you feel regularly and especially when situations arise or when you reflect on past circumstances and how you responded or reacted to them. This can tell you a lot about whether you have felt or been stuck and may need to seek healing and growth through outlets such as therapy. 

3. Recognizing how you feel physically in your body 

This means checking in with how you treat and fuel your physical being. The way we feel in our bodies can tell us a lot about what may need more attention. This could be looking at what we are putting into our bodies (food, supplements, substances, etc.) and how we are moving or not moving our bodies.

4. Becoming aware of what your values are and aligning those with your goals

This means exploring what is important to you which could be a variety of things from family, honesty, integrity, freedom, etc. Values are not necessarily tangible things, but they serve as guides to direct you to the vision in which you would like to live the life that is most aligned with you. 

These 4 ways can begin to open up a different perspective on how you are living your life and give you a better understanding of how you are really showing up for yourself. You only get one life and creating the habit of self-evaluation can create a better sense of what feels good for you as an individual.

Roubicek & Thacker Counseling is Fresno’s premier provider of individual, couples, family, and group therapy. We offer in-person and online remote therapy sessions. Contact us today to change the way you feel.


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